XQ the news TV

From drought to water wars

From drought to water wars

Climate change is raising average global temperatures, reducing winter rainfall, and drying up rivers. It is an environmental problem common to many countries, but one that risks becoming a diplomatic crisis when water resources are shared between different states

The lesser-known pop era

The lesser-known pop era

The exorbitant prices of Taylor Swift concerts are yet another example of how the culture industry has become a never-ending cycle of profiteering. Live Nation Entertainment, the industry giant, is encouraging price-gouging tactics and facing accusations of monopoly.

The vote of young first-time voters. More than 21 million young people will vote for the first time in the 2024 European elections.

The vote of young first-time voters. More than 21 million young people will vote for the first time in the 2024 European elections.

From 6 to 9 June, almost 359 million European citizens will vote to renew the EU Parliament. More than 21 million of these voters are young people voting for the first time in Europe. They are the young people who have grown up in the pandemic, and the question is not who they will vote for, but whether they will vote at all.


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Why the news

Emigrating out of hiding

Emigrating out of hiding

More than 108 million people live outside their country, according to the UN Refugee Agency. They flee conflict, dictatorships, and persecution in their home countries because of who they are. LGBTQ+ people leave their homes because they want a better …

From drought to water wars

From drought to water wars

By now, it should be an established concept, like those summarised in popular proverbs such as “one swallow does not make a summer”: the latest unseasonal, sometimes disastrous rains no longer fool anyone, the planet is warming up, winter rainfall …

XQ the news TV

From drought to water wars

From drought to water wars

Climate change is raising average global temperatures, reducing winter rainfall, and drying up rivers. It is an environmental problem common to many countries, but one that risks becoming a diplomatic crisis when water resources are shared between different states

The lesser-known pop era

The lesser-known pop era

The exorbitant prices of Taylor Swift concerts are yet another example of how the culture industry has become a never-ending cycle of profiteering. Live Nation Entertainment, the industry giant, is encouraging price-gouging tactics and facing accusations of monopoly.

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#Programmed obsolescence:​
Changes made to the operating systems of electronic devices to shorten their useful life, i.e. the length of time they function properly.


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