Seabed mining is a current global challenge that poses significant risks to biodiversity and marine ecosystems, especially in such fragile environments with such unique characteristics as the deep sea.
Seabed mining is driven by the growth of the world’s population and the demand for technological advances that rely heavily on minerals such as cobalt, nickel and lithium.
The impacts of this activity, although still poorly understood and little studied, threaten to cause irreversible damage to marine flora and fauna, to the resilience of marine ecosystems and to ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration.
Around 99% of the Azores Sea is considered deep, reaching an average depth of 3000 metres, making it a prime location for hydrothermal fields and vents. In addition to the uniqueness of these ecosystems, the external interest in hydrothermal vents lies in the existence of geological materials of commercial interest. Various studies have shown that hydrothermal vents release fluids containing massive amounts of sulphides, rich in metals such as copper, lead, silver, zinc, iron and gold.
Deep-sea mining takes place in very adverse and risky conditions (great depths and high pressures), destroying local ecosystems and disrupting others, thousands of kilometres away.
In socio-economic terms, replicating this activity in the ocean will only prolong our dependence on these rare and finite metals. According to a recent report by Sintef-WWF, the use of new technologies, circular economy models and recycling could reduce the demand for minerals by 58% and eliminate the need for seabed mining. Supporting the development of renewable energy sources and funding research, particularly into understanding the role of the deep sea as the planet’s main carbon store, will be vital in the process of decarbonising the economy.
As the report IN THE DEEP SEA: WHAT WE KNOW AND DON’T KNOW ABOUT DEEP SEA MINING, published by WWF/ANP, “The deep sea is our planet’s final frontier. It is a largely unknown and unexplored world, covering about half of the Earth’s surface. We are now beginning to discover that it is a world teeming with life that has a major influence on the entire marine ecosystem and on our climate.”
According to the journal Wilder Wild, an international team of scientists studied the environmental impact of a deep-sea cobalt mining experiment conducted in 2020 in Japan. A year later, the results were published in the journal Current Biology, showing a very negative impact on marine life. The researchers concluded that ‘the directly mined areas have become less habitable for marine animals’ and that ‘mining has also created a plume of sediment that may extend into surrounding waters’, according to a press release on the study.
It is therefore essential to preserve these fragile ecosystems before it is too late. To this end, the scientific community and various NGOs have joined forces to try to stop this activity through meetings, petitions and the dissemination of information on the subject.
According to the journal Wilder, an international team of scientists studied the environmental impact of a deep-sea cobalt mining experiment conducted in 2020 in Japan. A year later, the results were published in the journal Current Biology, showing a very negative impact on marine life. The researchers concluded that “the directly mined areas have become less habitable for marine animals’ and that ‘mining has also created a plume of sediment that may extend into surrounding waters”, according to a press release on the study.
It is therefore essential to preserve these fragile ecosystems before it is too late. To this end, the scientific community and various NGOs have joined forces to try to stop this activity through meetings, petitions and the dissemination of information on the subject.
Progress and setbacks in the approval of the moratorium
In July 2022, the People-Animal-Nature Party (PAN) presented a bill aimed at preventing the exploitation of minerals in Portugal’s territorial waters and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) until 2050. The moratorium aims to prevent the extraction of minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel or manganese from the seabed, due to the potential negative and irreversible impacts on ecosystems and marine biodiversity. The PAN, which is responsible for the proposal, warned of the risks of this activity and defended the application of the precautionary principle.
The bill was approved in principle in October 2023, but the dissolution of parliament in November of that year, following the fall of the government, caused the bill to lapse, temporarily halting the process. In response to this setback, the PAN submitted a new proposal to parliament, reiterating the need for a moratorium on deep-sea mining. At the same time, environmental organisations such as ANP/WWF Portugal redoubled their efforts, meeting with government representatives to stress the urgency of protecting marine ecosystems. These organisations warned of the risks associated with deep-sea mining, including the destruction of habitats and the possible extinction of species, and reiterated the need to apply the precautionary principle.
In the end, the moratorium was reintroduced and voted on in 2025 to become official law, which it did on 31 January 2025. With this approval, Portugal reaffirmed its commitment to the protection of the oceans, aligning itself with international concerns about the economic and environmental impacts of deep-sea mining. This position reinforces the need for prudent regulation, based on scientific evidence, before proceeding with any seabed mining exploration activities.
This decision has been welcomed by environmental NGOs such as ASPEA, ANP/WWF, Sciaena and the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA), who have highlighted the importance of this measure for the protection of marine ecosystems. The Océano Azul Foundation has also spoken out, and in the words of Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Executive Director of the Foundation: “This decision by the Portuguese Parliament is a wise measure and not only necessary, but also urgent to avoid a race towards underwater mining, which would be the last act of collective irresponsibility of humanity.”
It is necessary to inform and raise awareness of the importance of preserving the ocean and its undeniable role in the balance of the planet, so that there is participation and action to guarantee a balanced and healthy future for humanity and nature.
Complementary Activities
- Investigate the type of machinery used in deep-sea mining and how the extraction is carried out.
- Explore the characteristics of deep-sea marine species and draw an illustration of the ones you are most interested in.
- Explore what minerals are found in the deep sea and how they are used in new technologies.