The live broadcast of the humiliation suffered by the President of Ukraine in the Oval Office of the White House is already part of the worst story of the 21st century. The behaviour of Donald Trump and his vice-president, J.D. …
Analysis of the German election results and future scenarios.
Las elecciones federales de Alemania celebradas el 23 de febrero de 2025 han confirmado una tendencia inquietante para la política europea: el avance de la extrema derecha y la crisis de …
Hitler was a communist, Gaza must be ‘cleansed’… Condemn the form, replicate the content. This could be a fundamental maxim of our political times. Perhaps the most fundamental. I don’t think I’m the only one who notices certain similarities …
European colonialism, from the 15th to the 20th century, created lasting economic and environmental inequalities between the North and South of the planet. It is necessary to recognise the historical responsibility of developed countries for their greenhouse gas emissions…
A new year has begun, but in 2025 disinformation is still present in society. The month of January has made its mark in politics, thanks to Donald Trump, the recently inaugurated President of the United States. It has also been …
Under Trump, US politics is moving towards techno-feudalism. Silicon Valley is redefining power, with figures like Musk leading radical change. Neither neoliberal nor neoconservative, this new era marks a major political realignment.
In recent years, we have seen …
The changes in the dynamics of ‘Squid Game’ in its second season accentuate and extend critical readings of certain conceptions of freedom and democracy.
In recent years, there has been much discussion of a concept of political freedom that is …
The social lift that Americans were so proud of has not worked for years. The American dream of getting rich by working hard has vanished. The United States was the first country to create a new class: the working poor. …
The European Union is stepping up its efforts to engage young people in democratic life with its EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027), focusing on engagement, connection and empowerment. The initiative covers objectives such as gender equality, mental health and climate …
The promoters had to collect one million signatures across Europe by October 9th.
Several dozens of organisations from all over Europe have joined forces to promote a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) with the aim of establishing a tax on …