This site, which you clicked on and decided to explore, is called XQ the News, where XQ stands for ‘why’ (XQ is read POR QUÉ? in Spanish). So, the ‘why’ of the news.
Since the 1980s, video games have been the subject of heated debate between those who see them as an enjoyable or, at best, harmless pastime, and those who demonise them, believing that they lead to violent behaviour or addictions similar …
The exhibition “Tolkien. Man, Professor, Author“, dedicated to the British writer, philologist, conlanger and linguist considered the father of fantasy literature, ended on 11 February at the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome. An event that …
In recent years, the European Union (EU) has taken several steps to address today’s environmental challenges. The European Green Pact, Agenda 2030 and Fit for 55 are among them and will help Europe to become climate neutral by boosting …
The distribution of living beings on the planet is the result of their interaction with multiple factors, such as temperature, humidity, the chemical composition of the soil, water, and air, among many other factors, known as abiotic factors.
This connection should be fostered through civic education, so that young people can acquire knowledge about the political system, their rights and how to get involved. But also, through environmental education, to recognise their crucial role in environmental action, …
Cosa Nostra, ‘Ndrangheta, Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita. In Italy, the state is constantly engaged in the fight against mafias, criminal organisations which, depending on territorial contexts, adopt different names but are all characterised by violence, …
This report contains sensitive content. If you have suicidal thoughts, remember that help is available 24 hours a day in the UK: In a life-threatening emergency, remember to dial 999 first / To speak with us, dial 0800 689 5652 …
The fire rages. Crumbling, loose, disarticulated, The stone walls, the sleeping space From echo to echo, awakening to the terrible explosion, Like a fatal blow, they roll to pieces Olavo Bilac