The European project XQ.EUJOY: European Youth Journalism. The Why of News organises the international congress “Journalism and Education: The Purpose of/Reason for News in the Age of Disinformation”. Free registration to attend the congress is already available. The congress will take place on December 13th at the University of Pompeu Fabra. Register here.
The event will take place on December 13th at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in the Roc Boronat building of the Comunicació – Poblenou campus. It will bring together academics, journalists, and professionals to analyse the role of journalism in the current context defined by disinformation and the shift in the media paradigm.
The gathering will focus on journalism as a democratic right and an essential educational tool, with the aim of fomenting critical reflection on how this profession can recover its formative function and enhance citizens’ capacity for critical thinking in an environment where immediacy and the viral nature of content often affect the quality of information.
Prominent Speakers
The International Congress will include the participation of recognised experts in the field of communication, politics, and journalism. Amongst the prominent speakers, you will find Cristina Fernández Rovira, Professor at the Universitat de Vic, coordinator of the BA in Global Studies, and member of the research group TRACTE, who will offer the paper “For Free and Quality Journalism: 10 Reasons for the Media to Shut Down their Social Networks”. Eileen Traux, a journalist specialised in politics and social movement, known for covering four presidential elections and having published in media outlets such as The Washington Post, Vice, 5W, and El Universal, will present “Black, Illegal, Latino, Expat: Challenging the Colonial Narrative in Media”.
Luiz Peres Garzezi will also participate; Serra Húnter lecturer professor in the Department of Journalism and Communication Studies at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with his paper “Journalism, Polarization and Algorithmic Epistemology”, in which he explores the relationship between media polarization and algorithmic technologies. In addition, Professor Raimon Ramis, specialist in Media Literacy and project manager of Fundació MediaBus (Chile), will present “From the Media to Get Information to Live in the Media”, with a focus on the interaction between culture, education, communication, and Visual Culture.
Lastly, the congress will also include the participation of Lorenzo Marini, cofounder and director of Estratègia i Impacte de Verificat, an initiative on fact-checking founded in 2019 to fight against disinformation through education. Marini will present the paper “From Newsroom to Classroom: Journalism’s Role in Shaping Knowledge”, in which he explores how journalism can influence knowledge formation in the classroom.
Communication and Education Panels: Young Ideas and Leading Experts
Two different panels will dictate the day’s rhythm, offering a transversal perspective on the challenges and progress in communication and education. In the morning, the first panel will be dedicated to young students who want to make their first steps in the academic world of research. This space will allow new generations to present their own ideas, projects, and research in an academic environment that offers the opportunity to grow and connect with leading experts. It is an occasion to hear innovative proposals and to grasp the worries of young people, who will provide transformative perspectives to the academic panorama.
In the afternoon, the second panel will include professionals with great trajectories and recognition. In this space, prominent figures in journalism and research will present their papers. Amongst the participants, you will find Leah Pattem, a journalist awarded with multiple prizes and a contributor to media outlets such as the BBC, The Guardian, El País, and El Diario; she will present her contribution “What If the Journalist and Photographer Was Also the Source?”. We will also count on Guillem Tarrago and Núria Mora, from the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, with their presentation “Data, Systemic Vision and Storytelling: A Reflection on the Role of Media in Education”, which reflections on Systematic and Narrative Vision of the media in education. Jingrong Tong, Senior Lecturer in Digital News Cultures at the University of Sheffield, will deal with the topic of literacy on data for journalists through “A Case Study of Data Literacy for Journalists MOOC Course as an Education Tool”. In addition, Panagiota Samioti, Konstantinos Sipitanos and Eleni Katsarou, researchers and professors at the University of Crete, will present their communication “Countering Misinformation in Higher Education: A Greek University Case Study within the SHIELD vs Disinformation Erasmus+ Program”, in which they analyze misinformation in the university environment.
XQ.EUJOY promotes journalism as an educative and transformative tool, exploring its relationship with disinformation and decolonial perspectives. With this congress, it reaffirms its commitment to responsible and ethical journalism, capable of facing the challenges of the digital age.
The congress is organised by the XQ.EUJOY consortium, formed by Ediciones Octaedro, Fundació Periodisme Plural, Aspea, Idea Dinamica, and Dataninja. The selected proposals can be presented in one of the congress panels and published in special editions of the media XQ The News.
Free Registration and Attendance
Register here for free.
Morning Session
09:30 – 09:45. Registration
09:45 – 10:15. Presentation of the XQ.EUJOY project.
Overview of the project and consortium
10:15 – 10:45. Keynote 1: Cristina Fernández Rovira
“For Free and Quality Journalism: 10 Reasons for the Media to Shut Down their Social Networks”
10:45 – 11:00. Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00. Panel 1: The university voice
- 11:00 – 11:20 Clara Queralt
It’s Not a Problem, It’s the Context: Journalism, Public Service, Filter Bubble, Consumers, Ideology - 11:20 – 11:40 Anton Giulio Maglione
Fake News and Deepfakes - 11:40 – 12:00 Panagiota Samioti
Countering Misinformation in Higher Education: A Greek University Case Study
12:00 – 12:15. Coffee break
12:15 – 12:45. Keynote 2: Lorenzo Marini
“From Newsroom to Classroom: Journalism’s Role in Shaping Knowledge”
12:45 – 14:30. Lunch break
Afternoon Session
14:30 – 15:30. Panel 2: The Education Connection
- 14:30 – 14:50 Leah Pattem
What If the Journalist and Photographer Was Also the Source? - 14:50 – 15:10 Guillem Tarragó; Núria Mora (Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona)
Data, Systemic Vision and Storytelling: A Reflection on the Role of Media in Education - 15:10 – 15:30 Jingrong Tong
Understanding MOOCs Users and Impact
15:30 – 16:00. Coffee break
16:00 – 16:30. Keynote 4: Eileen Truax
“Black, Illegal, Latino, Expat: Challenging the Colonial Narrative in Media”
16:30 – 17:00. Keynote 5: Luiz Peres Garzesi
“Journalism, Polarization and Algorithmic Epistemology”
17:00 – 17:30. Closing