A bridge between East and West. This is an idea that pervades the entire Puglia region and, in particular, two cities as rich in history as Bari and Lecce. As fate would have it, the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists…
The Gambian activist is one of the visible faces of Wassu Kafo, an NGO that fights against genital mutilation and child marriage.
Female genital mutilation is very present in Gambia and in many of the surrounding countries. Generating social and …
When the law on same-sex marriage came into force in Spain in the summer of 2005, it was not only the fulfilment of an electoral promise made by the Socialist José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, but also the affirmation of an …
Over the last decade, the 8M has been taking shape beyond the demonstration, establishing itself as a general strike that crosses the barrier from the workplace to the personal with what is known as the “care strike”. The …
“Palestinian refugee women living in Lebanon tend to play the role of caregivers in the family and society, and are often not taken into account when it comes to making decisions or participating in political life,” denounces Amal Ghozlan, women’s …