Periodista. Máster en Periodismo Literario, Comunicación y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Codirectora y coguionista del documental “Berracas. Mujeres supervivientes que construyen la paz en Colombia”. Actualmente redactora del medio Catalunya Plural, de la Fundació Periodisme Plural, y XQ The News, de colaboración europea.
Global Fire Power 2023 ranks Israel among the top 20 countries in the world with the greatest military potential. Although the ranking is once again topped by the United States and major powers such as Russia and China, it is …
As Jews celebrated the biblical holiday Sukkot, Hamas militiamen carried out a terrorist attack that would mark a turning point in history. The Islamist armed wing’s incursion was of an unprecedented calibre: the attack surprised Israelis by land, sea and …