Nacida en Viseu,(Portugal), es licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por ESEV. Asesora de comunicación en Essência - Comunicação Completa, forma parte del equipo del Departamento de Comunicación y Educación Ambiental - Essência do Ambiente - que utiliza las herramientas de comunicación como aliado en el proceso de sensibilización y educación ambiental.
‘Portugal is the country most affected by the impact of climate change,’ underlined José Carlos Pimenta Machado, vice-president of the Portuguese Environment Agency, at a conference in Macao, referring to European countries.
The growing global need for transport makes it urgent to find solutions capable of ensuring environmentally friendly, cleaner, safer and more efficient mobility for all.
The concept of soft mobility, also known as environmentally responsible mobility or non-motorised mobility…
With a monthly mobility budget of 132 euros, Portugal ranks fifth in the list of countries spending the most per month on mobility, ahead of France (131 euros), the Czech Republic (125 euros) and Spain (108 euros), but below …
The planet has exceeded six of the nine scientifically established safety limits and has entered the “danger zone”. This is confirmed by a study published in Science Advances at the end of 2023, which suggests that the Earth is outside …
Mother Earth is clearly asking us all to act. Major systems on planet Earth, such as climate, water, and biodiversity, are no longer capable of being maintained in safe and stable conditions for all who inhabit them. Examples include …
There is consensus that population health is influenced by a multitude of factors. Chief among these are environmental factors, in particular climate change. The United Nations estimates that 1 in 4 deaths …