Author: Stefania De Cristofaro

Periodista profesional, licenciada en Ciencias Políticas con orientación internacional. Pluma y diario siempre a mano. Mucha información criminal y judicial entre TV, prensa escrita y web.

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Since the beginning of the Russian invasion on 24 February, more than 173,000 Ukrainian citizens have arrived in Italy, mainly women, elderly people, and children, who have travelled by train and bus to various regions of Italy, in most …

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Cosa Nostra, ‘Ndrangheta, Camorra and Sacra Corona Unita. In Italy, the state is constantly engaged in the fight against mafias, criminal organisations which, depending on territorial contexts, adopt different names but are all characterised by violence, …

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Online science is becoming increasingly popular. In Italy, more and more users are posting video lectures on social networks, with explanations, experiments, definitions, mathematical formulae, and anecdotes that make students smile and arouse their curiosity.

And the most successful teachers …